EGD and how technology can revolutionize the medical system

A few years ago, thinking about combining technology with medicine seemed like a very distant idea. However, advances in science have allowed us to improve many aspects related to health. Not only the way to diagnose diseases, but the ways to treat them. Thus, in less than twenty years of technological development, the world has new and sophisticated equipment for the detection of pathologies and, also, various options to deal with them. The thing is, scientific advances have impacted all fields of human endeavor.

Now, reducing these advances to global situations such as; the Covid 19 pandemic, is throwing away years of scientific progress. Although it is true that the global health crisis experienced in 2020 accelerated some processes, there is no doubt that telemedicine is an alternative that has been developing for a good number of years around the globe. Professionals, companies and providers from around the world are joining forces to position themselves as great leaders in remote medicine. The truth is that, to actually be one, it is essential to have tools consistent with the service you intend to provide.

Health management

This is how we were born: Elite Global Doctors. A platform whose fundamental purpose is to improve people's quality of life through an efficient health system, so that companies in the sector can correctly manage medical care. Our work comes into play in a space where few know what is happening. To be more precise, EGD falls between macro health management, which is nothing more than health policy; and micromanagement, which refers to patient and clinic care. In other words, we help you carry out the arduous task of clinical management. We specialize in providing technology so that insurers, suppliers and distributors in the sector can efficiently organize both the human resources and the technological and administrative resources they have.

We understand that the better the medical service works, the better health results will be obtained. At the same time, we understand health from a comprehensive point of view, since it is not only important to take care of the health of the population, but it is essential to maintain a correct relationship between quality health service and comprehensive technological processes. What are we referring to? Today, medicine and technology must merge to provide general, quality care to the group of patients who receive hospital care every day.

In this sense, at EGD we offer a healthcare model that allows us to achieve greater stability, while collaborating to make the service provided more efficient. We mediate between the health sector and the patient, and we do so by offering an efficient solution so that health insurers, medical institutions and governments that need to reach their users can do so in a clear way and with an innovative proposal. We offer valuable technology so that, in the future of the patient's experience, their assistance is truly optimal both in waiting times, quality of the service provided, diagnosis, established treatment and, above all, costs.

Our main purpose is to make the health system more efficient and, thereby, improve people's quality of life. We do this through the integration of digital services that operate as a large network, the same one that allows us to achieve a perfect balance between the health ecosystem, the quality of the assistance provided and reasonable consumption. To do this, we have developed an easy-to-access, intuitive and adapted platform to meet these parameters and make good decisions.

What we offer?

Basically, we offer a comprehensive solution through tools that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health service. We make this possible through strategies that ensure optimal processes and, above all, maximize results. We help you improve the management of the medical service based on these three services.

Patient Relationship Management. (P.R.M.)

Facial Scan

Data analysis and big data

We are convinced that it is possible to offer quality and much more efficient services based on good control of health management. The key to achieving this is to have tools that collaborate in good monitoring of medical care and allow the optimization of available resources.

With our services you can:

  • Measure and evaluate the processes and results of medical services.
  • Identify areas of improvement in time.
  • Establish work objectives for staff.
  • Ensure transparency in assistance processes.
  • Achieve high quality standards.
  • Improve the efficiency of the general service.
  • Motivate patients to be an active part of their health.
  • Promote health education.
  • Improve decision making.
  • Reduce costs.
  • Limit waiting time.
  • Minimize human errors.

Your goal is to provide quality medical care. Ours, is to provide you with the best tool to achieve it.

Where are we headed?

The path outlined in EGD has only one destination and that is, as we mentioned previously, to improve people's quality of life through a more efficient health system. And how do we plan to achieve it? Applying what is called “ Medicine of the 4Ps”. These “Ps” respond to the initials of Preventive, Predictive, Proactive and Personalized. Have you heard of them? We are sure you have. Simply put, it is the medicine of the future, one that, based on the consensus of experts, embraces technology as a tool to create a new paradigm in this scientific field.

Let's find out what each “P” is about.

Personalized medicine

It refers to a type of medicine based on the individual information of each patient, this allows treatments to be developed according to their needs and their way of life. That is, technology capable of offering each individual patient the therapy that best suits their specific pathological, physical and behavioral characteristics.

Predictive Medicine

As the word mentions, this type of medicine is predictive. That is to say, based on clinical and diagnostic studies carried out by cutting-edge equipment; It will be possible to detect possible pathologies long before their symptoms appear. This, without a doubt, represents a scientific development that will save time and money.

Proactive Medicine

This type of medicine is also known as “Participatory”, as it involves the constant action of the patient as the protagonist and responsible for his or her own state of health. Gone is the idea of a passive patient who only waits for a diagnosis and complies with a treatment, to become a proactive one. This supposes:

Strengthen the relationship with the health professional.

Monitor her health status.

Choose your family doctor based on the knowledge you can acquire about him on platforms linked to the sector.

Improve your habits and customs.

Preventive medicine

It is considered the medicine that has changed the health paradigm the most in recent years. It refers to a type of health education or prevention that, over time, manages to manifest great changes at a social level. In this sense, if medicine is capable of knowing the different pathologies, it will be able to send valid and clear messages to prevent them. Without a doubt, this will bring about better health and a better quality of life for the populations.

We propose you be part of the 21st century paradigm, one that merges technology and health. The same one that recommends making substantial and positive changes in people's health, because it is capable of predicting and preventing all types of accidents. Likewise, it provides the patient with permanent support, and not only when the accident occurs. This translates, neither more nor less, into more cost savings, greater efficiency and a step towards the future of global health.

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